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πŸ‘‹Welcome to iNVESTT

Finding Best Mutual Funds

Problem We are Solving: Upto 85% funds dont deliver market returns in 5 years time period. At iNVESTT, we've developed an algorithm using historical pattern analysis to identify the 15% of funds that outperform index returns over five years, leveraging the Golden Triangle Strategy.

Stop Wasting Money on commissions : Proven Strategies for picking winning mutual funds every time.

About Us

I'm Gopi Krishna, founder at iNVESTT. Im a mechanical engineer, MBA graduate and SEBI Regsitered Research Analyst. Ex - Icici Direct , Nj Wealth , Sbi Mutual Funds , Dezerv

My journy started in 2018 when i invested in the 5 star HDFC Midcap Opportunities Fund. I was told mutual funds would give 15% returns and that index funds were not good. But, the HDFC Midcap Opportunities Fund underperformed in both 2018 and 2019, making me question my knowledge. I switched companies, only to find worse conditions where there is no mutual fund selection method and the focus was solely on commissions, not returns.

This experience revealed a major problem in the industry: a lack of a reliable method to choose high-performing mutual funds no awareness of direct mutual funds. In 2021, after observing these issues, I founded to create a solution.

I collected data, hired a developer, and began analyzing mutual funds manually, As no algorithm or source code for mutual fund prediction existed, I had to develop everything from scratch. After 11 months of hard work, I discovered patterns among the best-performing funds and developed a unique algorithm to predict fund performance which is name as " Golden Traingle Strategy".

At, we use this algorithm to help investors select high-return mutual funds confidently.Our mission is to identify funds capable of outperforming the index, just as they have done in the past..Thank you for choosing We're here to help you achieve better returns.

πŸ’‘What are Model Portfolios?✨How iNVESTT Select Mutual FundsπŸ“ͺMutual Fund FAQ

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