⁉️I don’t know which portfolio is best for me. What should I do?

Don’t worry about choosing the right portfolio initially. Our AI will help you finalize the best one after your purchase. Here’s how it works:

  1. Subscribe to Any Model Portfolio: Let’s say you subscribe to the Aggressive Portfolio.

  2. AI-Assisted Risk Profiling: After subscribing, iNVESTT AI will ask you several questions to understand your risk profile.

  3. Portfolio Recommendation: Based on your responses, iNVESTT will recommend a suitable portfolio.

  4. Make Your Choice: You can choose to go with iNVESTT’s recommendation, stick with your original choice, or re-evaluate your risk profile if you want.

For example, if iNVESTT recommends the Moderate Portfolio and you accept, your subscription will change from Aggressive to Moderate. You’ll then have access to the Moderate Portfolio from your dashboard.

Alternatively: You can find suitable portfolio using our Risk Profile Tool.

Last updated