👍How iNVESTT is Better than ETmoney Genius or Youtubers or Other Platforms?

Most mutual fund companies and advisors research funds in three main ways:

  1. They have their own in-house research team.

  2. They buy third-party software from companies like NGEN, ICRA, or Morningstar.

  3. They rely on sources like Moneycontrol or ValueResearch.

However, 95% of companies and advisors don’t have their own research teams. Youtubers, in particular, aren’t reliable. You can’t predict a fund’s performance based on star ratings from ValueResearch or Morningstar alone. Youtubers typically recommend funds with high star ratings, which often fail to be top performers after three years. So, there’s no real comparison between iNVESTT and Youtubers.

At iNVESTT, we have our own in-house research team. We don’t rely on any third-party software or websites. We gather daily price data from the internet and do our own calculations. This gives us the flexibility to analyze data in any way we want, which helped us create a unique algorithm.

Many claim their recommended funds are the best, but if you ask them to guarantee they will beat the benchmark returns in the next five years, they can’t give you an answer. At iNVESTT, we offer that assurance of beating benchmark returns.

We promise our investors at least 1% higher returns than the index every year. If we fail to deliver these returns, we will work for free the next year.

Last updated